Brandon Hopkins' Homepage
PhD Student, Philosophy
UC Davis

My interest in philosophy has mainly been in formal stuff. My M.A. thesis at SFSU was a study of how mathematical language might be seen to "evolve". At Davis I've focused mostly on the philosophy of mathematics, logic and the philosophy of logic, and analytic metaphysics. Most of my work at Davis has ended up becoming an exercise in formal semantics, which is where I usually end up thinking most of the action is.
From thinking about bridge principles and the nature of normativity more generally, I have within the last couple of years been studying the history of philosophical issues in deontic logic, with a special interest in logics of conditional obligation. I've been surprised to discover that, although there is a broad movement away from possible-worlds semantics in modal logic, at least in the case of deontic logic (both monadic and dyadic), there are strong reasons to resist this movement. I've also been surprised at the variety of ways in which metaethical considerations can show up in the model theory.
My CV is here. Much of it is hyperlinked and clickable.
I do have profiles at PhilPeople and ResearchGate, although there are no publications. At least there you can (perhaps) see some social networks. Also, see my GitHub for some useful LaTeX stuff.